The SEAWA booth (and staff!) will be at over 10 community events this summer. Come visit us!
April 14: Medicine Hat Paddling Club Film Festival
April 18: Irvine Ag School, Irvine
April 20: 36th Alberta Native Plant Council Workshop, Medicine Hat
April 22: Dried Up screening / Q&A Kevin Van Tighem, Medicine Hat
May 11: Seven Persons Family Fun Fair
May 25: Rise Up Air Balloon Festival, Medicine Hat
May 31 to June2: Spectrum Festival, Medicine Hat
June 1: EchoDale Park Opening Day, Medicine Hat
June 8: SEAWA/CreekWatch Family & Youth Water Sampling, Police Point Park
June 10: Beaver Workshop, Seven Persons
June 11: SEAWA AGM, Medicine Hat Exhibition
June 15: Esplanade Block Party - Celebration of Nature, Medicine Hat
June15: Redcliff Days, Redcliff
June 18: SEAWA/Cypress County Green Acreages Workshop, Dunmore
June 22 to 23: Reptile and Plant Expo, Medicine Hat
July 1: Canada Day at Medicine Hat Exhibition
July10: SAAMIS 40th Anniversary, Medicine Hat
July16 to 18: Southern Alberta Youth Range Days, Etzikom
July 24 to 25: Southern Alberta Grazing School for Women, Seven Persons
July 24 to 27: Medicine Hat Stampede Country in the City